Quantcast Vegetarian StarTodd Wilbur Needed To Investigate Vegetarian Menu Items

Todd Wilbur Needed To Investigate Vegetarian Menu Items

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 31st, 2010 in Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Todd Wilbur

Todd Wilbur

Todd Wilbur, author of Top Secret Recipes, has a knack for duplicating entrees from restaurants like Olive Garden or Applebee’s without getting the written instructions.

His cloning of the Big Mac and other classics has sold him several million books and earned him appearances on Oprah, MTV News and Live with Regis and Kathy Lee.

To get recipes down, Wilbur will try several tricks, such as sitting really close to the kitchen to watch (you’d think the places would learn to recognize him and give him the boot) and even pretending to be a strict vegetarian or vegan to see if an item has animal ingredients in it.

Vegetarians could sure use him in a restaurant audit.

Hidden items like egg whites and chicken broth discovered in your favorite dish a year after you eat it religiously would happen no more if Wilbur served as veg detective, uncovering the truth at mainstream eateries that offer veggie items and even meatless restaurants which make vegan claims about that macaroni and cheese that still leaves your stomach feeling like you had a shot of lactose.

“I found this niche that made [cooking] fun and different and a game,” Wilbur told Las Vegas Weekly. “And that’s what I like — games,” Wilbur says. “I haven’t gone through Dumpsters yet, but I’m not above that.”

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