Quantcast Vegetarian StarMoby, George Bush And Jesus Break Veggies Together

24th Genesis Awards - Arrivals

So Moby, George Bush and Jesus are all over at Moby’s house sitting in the living room and George gets hungry.

There really is no punchline to this, just a fantasy of the bald vegan musician he told to Rachael Ray, when he revealed his kitchen is stocked full of condiments and vitamins.

“You know, I think it would be nice to have George Bush and Jesus over for dinner,” Moby said.

What would he serve for the two leaders?

“Well, George spent a lot of time in Texas, so I’d make some rice and beans and salsa, maybe some guacamole,” Moby said. “I’m not a particularly good cook, but I can make reasonably palatable bachelor food.”

Moby’s Mexican fare may need a few miracles before it’s palatable, but it would definitely answer some scholars question of whether Jesus was a vegetarian.

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