Quantcast Vegetarian StarIndian Billionaire Oswals Ban Meat At Mansion Construction Site

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Indian-born billionaire Pankaj Oswal and his socialite wife Radhika have hired contractors to build a $70 billion dollar mansion and they are banning the workers from eating meat.

“She still wants them to build her $70 million mansion, but she’s telling them what they’re going to eat . . . it’s wrong,” said Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union Western Australian assistant secretary Joe McDonald, who called the ban “absolutely wrong.”

“I respect everybody’s right to practise their religion, but I totally disagree with anyone forcing it on others.

“If people are working on the job and they want to have a ham sandwich or a bacon and egg sandwich, they should have one.”

Calm down now, Joe.

There is a meat ban. No where did it say the Oswals were vegan.

The Oswals are vegetarians for both religious and other reasons and Mrs. Oswal says that the meat industry “rapes the earth” and by continuing to eat meat you are creating a vicious cycle.

Sources say some workers at the site are eating meat out of spite.

In a perfect world, an employer would let you do as you please, but unfortunately rules for working, dressing and behaving usually are included in the paycheck package.

If what goes in the workers mouth during lunchtime is regulated, they should relax in knowing it’s only an eight hour shift.

And better hope the vegetarian Trumps don’t have to come back to say, “You’re fired!”

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One Response to “Indian Billionaire Oswals Ban Meat At Mansion Construction Site”

  1. “Otarian” Radhika Oswal Was Hungry Carbon Counting Vegetarian Says:

    […] couple is the same one that forbid construction workers from eating meat while building their billion dollar mansion in […]