Quantcast Vegetarian StarBoo Boo Stewart Wears “For The Love Of Dog Adopt” Shirt

Boo Boo Stewart Wears “For The Love Of Dog Adopt” Shirt

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 29th, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues.

How To Train Your Dragon Los Angeles Premiere

Eclipse star Boo Boo Stewart showed his pride for shelter animals by wearing a shirt that read, “For The Love of Dog Adopt” to the How To Train Your Dragon premier.

Although adoption is always in need, taking in a permanent extra family member isn’t the only way you can help your local animal shelter.

Volunteer, promote an adoption drive, become a foster parent or donate money to cover costs of food, litter and other supplies and services.

For the love of dog, just do something!

Update: Boo Boo’s t-shirt is made by Leanne Hilgart of Vaute Couture. The 100% organic cotton shirt is available in both men’s and women’s and can be ordered through Vaute Couture’s website.

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