Quantcast Vegetarian StarMoby Can’t Cook But Doesn’t Have To

Moby Can’t Cook But Doesn’t Have To

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 23rd, 2010 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

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Moby has been a vegan for 20 years, but is bashful about proclaiming himself as a great vegan chef.

He told the Milwaukee Wisconsin Sentinel Journal, “I’m a terrible cook, so I usually eat out with friends.”

Sounds like vegan men aren’t any different from meat eaters after all when it comes to the kitchen.

Could it be the only decent meal Moby can make is his vegan blueberry pancakes?

Thankfully, if you’re not a great cook either, there are dozens of ready made vegetarian and vegan meals that require the simple skill of manipulating the microwave buttons.

A visit to the frozen aisle of the grocery store can stock your freezer with simple vegetarian meals like burritos or old fashioned macaroni and cheese to ethnic dishes containing samosas and dahl to fake meat and potatoes.

Those ramen noodles you used to make with chicken during the after school hours?

They now come flavored with miso.

Of course, when you’re ready to become Julia Child (who at one point couldn’t understand why anyone would want to be vegetarian) these lists for the top 10 vegetarian and top 10 vegan cookbooks will help get you started.

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One Response to “Moby Can’t Cook But Doesn’t Have To”

  1. Crystal Says:

    I’m a pretty good cook but I still eat rice, beans, and frozen veggies as a meal almost every day. It’s pretty to make stuff like that with 0 kitchen abilities. Just through on some vegan dressing or soy sauce and your good to go.