Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Brand Plays Fake Footsies At Vanity Fair Oscars Bash

Russell Brand Plays Fake Footsies At Vanity Fair Oscars Bash

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 22nd, 2010 in Actors, Fashion.

The 2010 Vanity Fair Oscar Party held at The Sunset Tower Hotel in West Hollywood,

Russell Brand‘s a pro at being vegetarian and constantly shows up on PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Alive contest lists.

So when the foul mouthed meatless bad boy was seen wearing what appeared to be snakeskin boots at the Vanity Fair Oscars bash, he had to do some serious PR moves, quick.

“They’re fake. Specially made, don’t panic.”

The Veg Star never doubted Brand for a minute!

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