Quantcast Vegetarian StarEli Roth Pens Letter To SeaWorld Owners

Eli Roth Pens Letter To SeaWorld Owners

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 22nd, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues.

WGACA 1-Year Anniversary Party

The SeaWorld tragedy from February that resulted in a trainer being killed by an orca whale still has many forming opinions over whether parks that keep marine animals in captivity are worth the risks to the animals and humans.

Eli Roth has written a letter to the CEO of The Blackstone Group, the company that owns SeaWorld, that questions the educational value of the exhibits, and asks for a release of the animals into a sanctuary.

“I can assure you that there are many humane alternatives available to introduce the public to orcas without having to hold them in captivity for a lifetime against their will. CGI technology, animatronics, and other state-of-the-art virtual reality exhibits could be used in place of the current live-animal shows to provide park visitors with an exciting, educational experience. In fact, showing visitors a more realistic version of what life is like for real marine mammals rather than displaying the captive animals’ unnatural and repetitive behavior patterns which are linked to their oppressive environment is actually more educational, with no risk to human life.”

Eli’s entire letter can be read at RadarOnline.

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