Quantcast Vegetarian StarDirt Candy’s Amanda Cohen Has Nice Carrot Buns

Dirt Candy’s Amanda Cohen Has Nice Carrot Buns

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 19th, 2010 in Business, Chefs, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy

Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy

Amanda Cohen has been busy at NYC’s Dirt Candy making changes to the menu to refresh the not so old vegetarian restaurant she opened less than two years ago.

Change is allowing Cohen to introduce a vegetable version of a Chinese dim sum favorite–barbecue Pork Buns.

“We use carrots instead,” Cohen told Village Voice. “The buns will be different colors based on the different colors of carrots — there’ll be pink, orange, and yellow. They’ll have a slightly barbecued carrot filling and come with a little carrot cucumber salad, and I’m trying to figure out how to make sesame halvah to sprinkle on top.”

If you’re a fan of the kimchi doughnuts, sorry to say the carrot buns have replaced them.

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