Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Friday Night Light’s” Aimee Teegarden Heading Towards Vegan

NBC TCA July 09 Party

Aimee Teegarden calls herself a vegetarian “heading towards vegan.”

Although Mother Nature Network didn’t give more details about Teegarden’s vegan journey (is there a set date, ingredients to eliminate at certain steps?), one could make the assumption that the Friday Night Lights actress is making small changes in her life so she can one day live comfortably and healthy as a vegan versus making drastic changes like focusing on eliminating products instead of adding new ones.

Or maybe she’s having second thoughts about what goes on in the dairy industry, but still hasn’t found the right cheese substitute to satisfy those insane moo cravings.

If you’re an “almost vegan,” what non-vegan products are you hoping to give up?

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3 Responses to ““Friday Night Light’s” Aimee Teegarden Heading Towards Vegan”

  1. Yen Howell Says:

    This happens to me exactly. Im a vegetarian but I have problems with dairy products, especially cheese. It’s one of my goals of a lifetime to become vegan and I want to loose weight by becoming vegetarian but I haven’t found a nice substitute. I figured that I can eat them for a while and eat them less and less everyday till I don’t feel like I need them.

  2. Maggie Says:

    I’ve found that trying to “ease” yourself off cheese doesn’t work, at least it didn’t for me, because if you’re eating even a little bit, you still have a taste for it and no alternative seems quite right. I just gave it up cold turkey (cold cheese?) and never looked back, and I started incorporating alternatives into my diet a few weeks later after I had forgotten what cheese actuallt tastes like. Just remember: most cheese has pus in it. That thought alone killed any craving.

  3. Yen Howell Says:

    Yeah, I’ve heard about the pus thing and it’s discusting, I know!!!! What did you use to replace american cheese, for example? Or mozzarella! I found a parmesani replacement and it’s great (Vegan grated topping from Galaxy Nutritional Foods)