Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Happy Poet” Trailer–A “SXSW” Organic, Mostly Vegetarian Video

Happy Poet

Happy Poet

Happy Poet is set to premier at the Alamo Ritz March 14, 15 and 18 as part of the SXSW Film Festival.

Cinematical has a brief description of the film:

“An all-organic, mostly vegetarian comedy about Bill, a struggling poet who pours his heart, soul, and last few dollars into starting a healthy food stand, surprising friends and customers with his dry wit and offbeat passion. Motivated by help from a rag-tag group of supporters and a budding romance with a poetry-loving customer, Bill strives to make a difference in the world, until surprising complications jeopardize his new friendships and threaten Bill’s dreams for a hot dog-free future.”

Check out the trailer for Happy Poet below.

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