Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Cove” Wins Best Documentary At Academy Awards

“The Cove” Wins Best Documentary At Academy Awards

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 8th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Film & TV.

82nd Annual Academy Awards - Show

The Cove took home an Oscar for Best Docmentary yesterday at the 82nd Annual Academy Awards.

Ecorazzi reports that director Louie Psihoyos had this to say in his acceptance speech:

“I just want to say it was an honor to work on this film and to try make an entertaining film that also tries to enlighten everybody. I have to thank Jim Clark who financed the film and who was also kind of the guiding wisdom behind the film, Paula DuPre Presman, my producing partner, and my hero, Rick O’Barry, who is not only a hero to this species but to all species.”

The film depicts the killings of dolphins in Japan that are later sold as meat.

Looks like animal activist Ric O’Barry tried to solicit a few last votes American Idol style!

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