Quantcast Vegetarian StarMary McCartney Shares Recipes For Meat Free Mondays

Mary McCartney Shares Recipes For Meat Free Mondays

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 3rd, 2010 in Artists, Food & Drink, Recipes.

McCartney Family Launch Meat Free Monday - Photocall

Mary McCartney is sharing her recipes to promote the McCartney family’s Meat Free Monday campaign.

Growing up, Mary says she wasn’t necessarily into eating healthy, and enjoyed the taste of meat.

Like her mother, she advocates eating vegetarian to her children, but doesn’t demand it.

“I liked the taste. But it wasn’t a rebellion. Mum always said, I don’t cook it, but you’re allowed it. And that’s what I say to my kids. The difference is that then we did it because we didn’t want animals to be mass farmed. Now it’s because meat production puts such pressure on the environment.”

Mary says although she’s influenced by her mom’s style of cooking, she tends to bake more and finds it easier to translate her culinary ideas into a recipe.

Mary is putting less pressure on the environment with her recipes for sauteed leeks, puy lentils and feta and aubergine layered bake.

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