Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Biggest Loser” Shay Sorrells On Vegetarian Friendly Budget Advice

Shay Sorrells

Shay Sorrells

Shay Sorrells lost 170 pounds during her stint on NBC’s The Biggest Loser.

The National Association of Social Workers member isn’t finished with her goals yet, and Subway is giving her $1,000 for each pound she loses by the end of Season 9.

Working with people with limited income helped Sorrells create ways to ensure these families stayed nourished while stretching the dollar and she’s provided some advice on how to eat healthy for those in similar situations.

Vegetarian Star is happy to report that Sorrells recommends plenty of ways anyone can incorporate vegetarian friendly practices into their budget.

Like growing your own produce:
“Depending on your location (and family situation), if you are in a rural area or at least dirt is accessible think community garden, back patio garden, or even windowsill garden! It is really cheap to grow your own veggies, spices, and herbs and it’s a great learning experience for the whole family.”

And using substitutes for dairy products:
“Sometimes it can just come down to preparation. Ingredients such as almond milk are superb for you and much cheaper. Using less butter or less oils to cook is a better option. White break and wheat bread usually cost the same. Buy wheat bread and brown rice instead of white bread or rice.”

Don’t forget to forget the fast food joint and opt for cheaper, non animal proteins instead:
“Educate clients on how a $3 dollar McDonalds Happy Meal can actually stretch if you spend that amount on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for several meals.”

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