Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeona Lewis Fashion Line–Shoes Making Brand Difficult To Create

Love Ball London - Outside Arrivals

Leona Lewis‘ fashion line may have hit a little bump.

Though the singer still has plans to have a clothing and shoes brand created, it’s been difficult finding ethical and vegetarian friendly supplies.

“I’m trying to make that happen as soon as I can,” Lewis told UK Vogue.

“It’s a challenge – mostly with shoes – as I don’t wear any leather and am very ethical about what I wear.”

Despite the challenges, Leona’s love of both animals and fashion will most likely give her the motivation to continue to pursue the clothing line that Leona wishes to be both trendy and affordable.

“I really enjoy fashion and I love being creative. I work with a couple of stylists but I love fashion so am always looking online and in magazines for inspiration,” she said.

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