Quantcast Vegetarian StariPhone Apps For Vegetarians

iPhone Apps For Vegetarians

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 22nd, 2010 in Business, Food & Drink, Tech.



There are numerous iPhone apps to assist the vegetarian technie.

You’ve already been informed about the VegOut app, which locates vegetarian friendly restaurants in any given city.

But did you know about Vegan Passport, which instructs you how to ask, “Does this have meat or poultry?” in every language from French to Chinese?

VeganXpress allows the veg who might be dining with carnivores to choose meatless selections at traditional franchises like Applebee’s or Blimpee’s.

If you’re staying in to cook, download the iFarm Market for the nearest Farmer’s Market or AllOrganic for vegetarian, natural and organic foods store.

For a bigger list of apps to vegetize your iPhone, visit creativeloafing.

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