Quantcast Vegetarian StarDaryl Hannah Prefers Spending Time With Animals

Daryl Hannah Prefers Spending Time With Animals

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 21st, 2010 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Daryl Hannah Has A Board Game

Fans of Daryl Hannah might see less of her on screen, unless there’s a casting for the female Evan Almighty in the works.

Hannah says she prefers spending time with her animals than on a movie set, according to Contact Music.

“I’ve been acting since I was 11 years old and it’s an incredibly wonderful and beautiful creative outlet and I think it can be an inspiring thing for people’s imaginations and a wonderful escape,” Hannah said.

“I still love movies and I always will but, as I grow up, my priorities shift a little bit to things of a little more substance and I want to be of service as much as I can.”

Having alpacas, chickens and roosters, she’s got plenty of non human friends to give her attention to.

Hannah says she often takes in rescue animals and the ones she doesn’t give away become permanent residents at her farm.

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One Response to “Daryl Hannah Prefers Spending Time With Animals”

  1. Brien Comerford Says:

    Ms. Hannah is a lovely vegetarian, environmentalist and animal lover.