Quantcast Vegetarian StarHannah Teter Ben & Jerry’s Take Medal In Animal Friendly Games

Snowboard Ladies Halfpipe - Day 7

Hannah Teter won the Silver Medal in the Women’s halfpipe competition in snowboarding this year.

Last year, Teter was honored by having a limited edition Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream flavor, Maple Blondie, named after her.

Like vegetarian Teter, Ben & Jerry’s is interested in improving the world by following more animal friendly practices.

The ice cream giant is in the process of sourcing eggs that come from cage-free farms and is expected to complete the phase in by the end of this year.

The company is also against using recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), a substance used to produce more milk in dairy cows, and sources their dairy products from family farms.

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