Quantcast Vegetarian StarAdam Lambert Thoughts On Fur

Adam Lambert Thoughts On Fur

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 19th, 2010 in Fur, Male Singers.

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Adam Lambert was interviewed by TMZ (which can be heard here), where he revealed his true feelings (or lack thereof) about animals used for fur.

“I know this is the most un-PC way to put it, but I didn’t kill the thing so I don’t see why I can’t wear it.”

Whoa, there. There are worse phrases than un-PC to describe Mr. Glambert’s attitude.

But wait, there’s more. If you can eat it, might as well wear it.

“It’s like we eat meat, I don’t like cruelty toward animals so anything that can be done to prevent that, but I think fur looks great.”

Note to Adam and everyone else who likes fur but wants to prevent cruelty to animals: Wear a fake!

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12 Responses to “Adam Lambert Thoughts On Fur”

  1. TravelingVeg Says:

    Someone sit this boy down and show him “Earthlings!”

  2. charlie Says:

    If he’s trying to be provocative, he’s failed miserably. Too bad, I was supportive of him until this revelation. Now I won’t buy or listen to his work. K

  3. tastetherainbow Says:

    Oh please, so a lot of people wear fur. Also, just because he says something that you don’t agree with doesn’t make him a bad person. Like he said, he’s not the one killing the animals. Give him a break.

  4. Dana Says:

    To the commenter above…

    What an ignorant way of thinking. “He’s not the one killing the animals.” Uh, yes, he is, by buying fur. Supply and demand. If the public says they want something, and hand over the money for it, then they’ll keep on killing the animals for it. If people say they are against animal cruelty, they don’t wear fur. Period.

    Otherwise, if they say they are against animal cruelty and buy and wear the fur, they are pretty much lying. The apathetic, ignorant way of thinking is what messes up a lot of things in this world. That exact way of thinking is a hindrance to our species and I’m glad I am not a part of that way of thinking.

  5. Ryan Says:

    Who is he anyways?

  6. Kesha May Be Faux Fur Cover Girl Says:

    […] said real fur not only looks great, but added, “I didn’t kill the thing, so I don’t […]

  7. Glambert4688 Says:

    Oh, damn…That’s just sad. He’s so smart and nice otherwise. His problem here is ignorance; I’m sure if he actually SAW what went on, and had someone explain to him that YES, he IS indeed contributing by supporting the industry, he would change. As much as I’d like to hate him for this, I can’t, because everything else about him is so good.

  8. Vegankit Says:

    I think I understand his logic, even though I disagree. When he says, “I mean, we eat meat.” I think what he’s saying is if you’re okay with eating meat why protest wearing fur. Of course I would say we shouldn’t do either. But he’s saying if you’re already doing one what’s wrong with doing the other.

  9. Chelsea Says:

    Hm…Really want to prevent cruelty to animals? GO VEGAN. Simple enough. Reducing sentient beings to property, commodities to use and kill is inherently cruel, and no sugarcoated marketing strategy, label, or campaign will ever make it warm and fuzzy.

  10. barb Says:

    if you buy and wear fur–you killed the animal.
    end of story…

  11. Mark Says:

    I couldn’t imagine a less ignorant idea from a religious guy who thinks Adonai has permitted his people to torture other “creatures” & still go to heaven.

  12. Jacky Says:

    I used to be a huge fan of his, but thoses comments have totally ended that. Not the nice guy I thought he was, and ignorant and fairly stupid too, apparantly. What a shame-“another one bites the dust”-hope Brian May gives him a rollicking when they next play together, though if I were Brian I wouldn’t want to share another stage with him.