Quantcast Vegetarian StarBernadette Peters “The View” 2nd Annual Mutt Show

Broadway Barks The 11th Annual Adopt-a-thon

Bernadette Peters (who’s due for a slice of vegan birthday cake this month) will appear on The View Friday February 19 as part of the show’s 2nd annual special to encourage adoption.

Peters is reportedly bringing her dog along with her as well.

As a spinoff to the Westminster Dog Show, The View will present their version of a dog show, the Mutt Show.

Five mutts up for adoption will be competing and one lucky four legged friend will be awarded the Pedigree Dogs Rule award.

According to Broadway World, Peters will also promote her second children’s book, Stella is a Star. Proceeds from the book are said to go towards Broadway Barks, an organization Peters co-founded with Mary Tyler Moore, that helps find homes for shelter animals.

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