Quantcast Vegetarian StarThandie Newton Vegan Detox Diva

Thandie Newton Vegan Detox Diva

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 14th, 2010 in Actresses.

'2012' Los Angeles Premiere

Thandie Newton‘s personal assistant is more useful than her husband.

Or, at least she finds time to speak to the assistant more often.

“She’s my right hand woman,” Newton said. “I hate to say it but we may actually text and speak more than my husband and I!”

According to Contact Music, she told Cosmopolitan magazine: “The most embarrassing thing I’ve asked her to do was to deliver some food for me last week on a shoot. I’m currently doing a detox and I feel like such a diva – not only having food delivered to the set, but also the fact that it was raw, vegan, had to be eaten within 24 hours… all this c**p!”

So much interaction between the two would obviously cause an occasional disagreement, but who would suspect a lover of compassionate food would be so mean to her assistant?

“We’re also very rude to each other on text – I called her a lying b***h the other day! If anybody read a transcript without knowing us, they’d think we were crazed!”

What was lying bitch assistant untruthful about?

The percentage of organic ingredients in Thandie’s protein bar?

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One Response to “Thandie Newton Vegan Detox Diva”

  1. vegan detox Says:

    This diet tactic can be an best form of detoxing in case you usually do not can do anything at all major. Just about all a single must do is eradicate all creature goods coming from his / her diet plan to get a certain period. This diet centres about fresh new develop, total grains, seed products, loco, in addition to dried beans.