Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeidi Klum “Loved” And “Lavish”–Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Heidi Klum Makes Her Way To Television Appearance!

Heidi Klum was caught by the paparazzi on her way to a morning show appearance to discuss her new maternity line coming out this month, Lavish and Loved.

Supermodels have very little “insulation” to keep them warm, so it was understandable she had to wear this fuzzy looking jacket.

Sure hope that’s fake fur she’s wearing.

Being the mother of four children herself, one would think she’d have those “maternal” instincts and run far away from anything that harms any mother or child–like fur farms confining animals in cages and killing them inhumanely for fashion purposes only.

Zoom in on the pic and judge for yourself.

Is Heidi Klum fur real?

Or is she faking it?

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4 Responses to “Heidi Klum “Loved” And “Lavish”–Fur Real Or Fur Fake”

  1. Laura Says:


  2. Grandma Says:

    People have the right to wear fur and Peta is a domestic terrorist group
    P people
    E eating
    T tastey
    A animals

    Don’t you just love it

  3. Tina Says:

    yes, it does matter when someone torments and tortures another being. How insensitive to think it is OK.

  4. Sheila Says:

    Not only is “Grandma Says” an ignorant and insensitive carnivore but also illiterate. The word tasty does not have an “e” in it.