Quantcast Vegetarian StarWolfgang Puck Earns Oscar For Putting Vegetarian Food On Menu

Wolfgang Puck Earns Oscar For Putting Vegetarian Food On Menu

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 10th, 2010 in Chefs, Film & TV, Food & Drink.

Golden Globes party hosted by T Magazine and Dom Perignon - Los Angeles

Once again, Wolfgang Puck will be in charge of catering the Academy Awards governor’s ball.

According to Eonline, Puck has been preparing dishes for everyone who attends for the past 16 years.

And when Puck says everyone, he includes the vegetarians.

“We have almost everything,” Puck said. “If somebody says, ‘I want salmon,’ we have salmon. If somebody wants vegetarian, we make it. It’s really just like a restaurant.”

Puck is no stranger to more compassionate food.

He made vegan pizza with Ellen DeGeneres on her daytime talk show, tossed the tofu for a party benefiting the Best Friends Animal Society and has spoken out on the cruel conditions factory farm animals endure.

Puck deserves a statuette of his own–one that’s delicious, edible, milk and butter free, caramel flavored…

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