Quantcast Vegetarian StarMoby “Gristle” Says Think Twice About Meat Eating

Moby “Gristle” Says Think Twice About Meat Eating

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 10th, 2010 in Books, Food & Drink.



Moby has edited a collection of essays written by several notable vegetarians, policymakers, food business leaders and activists that warn of the dangers of over consuming industrial produced meat.

Gristle: From Factory Farms to Food Safety (Thinking Twice About the Meat We Eat), is set for release this spring.

Besides Moby himself, contributors include Brendan Brazier, Lauren Bush, John Mackey, Wayne Pacelle, Gowri Koneswaran, Meredith Niles, Sara Kubersky, Tom O’Hagan, Christine Chavez, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Paul and Phyllis Willis, Michael Greger, M.D., Frances Moore Lappé, Anna Lappé, and Miyun Park.

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2 Responses to “Moby “Gristle” Says Think Twice About Meat Eating”

  1. nathalie Says:

    ‘John Mackey’
    I can’t wait to read this book…until very recently I didn’t even know Moby was a vegan! I am sure this will make very interesting reading.

  2. nathalie Says:

    Sorry…please ignore the ‘John Mackey’comment. I posted on the wrong article- still, the rest of the comment is appropriate for this acticle too 🙂