Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Raconteurs” Brendan Benson–Vegans Might Be Alienated

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Brendan Benson of The Raconteurs says a vegetarian in his band won’t last very long.

According to Hitfix, when asked what the key to surviving on the road and not killing bandmates was, Benson answered, “I think there’s a combination of things. Humor would be key. If everyone has relatively the same sense of humor, then that helps. And things in common, like food, eating. If there’s one person who’s vegan, say, then that person might be alienated in my band (laughs)… Last night we went to this vegan restaurant because someone said it was great. It was okay, I think some of us would have preferred a steak.”

That’s quite contrast to some other bands, like Death Cab For Cutie, who, although only 2 members are vegetarian, all 4 eat veg on the road to make it easier on the herbivores.

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