Lisa Ling On Factory Farms And Animals
Written by Vegetarian Star on February 7th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Journalists.
Lisa Ling has been reporting on animal welfare issues for years.
In 2008, she worked as a correspondent for Oprah to uncover the story of mistreatment in a Pennsylvania puppy mill.
Although she’s not a vegetarian (yet), her investigative work conducted while visiting factory farms and free range farms has made her think more about the food that does arrive on her plate.
A few highlights from her interview with TailsInc.:
You also exposed the reality of factory farming on Oprah. Has it affected you and the way you eat meat in your own life?
“It absolutely has. These animals we consume never even get to mate. They never for their entire lives come out of these factory-like conditions, and it’s horrifying. I can’t even imagine what is going into them and then what’s going into us. Has it made me stop [eating meat]? No, but I’m just more conscious about it.”
Did the animals seem happier on the free-range farm?
“Absolutely. They’re still animals we would consume, but at least for their short lives they are able to actually just live. The man who had the grass-fed chickens said, “I believe that people should feel OK about consuming animals, but we just don’t want to torture them.” I just found that really interesting because he was really religious. And there are certainly people who say we shouldn’t kill anything. During Jesus’ time they were consuming animals, but they weren’t torturing the animals. They weren’t injecting the animals and pumping the animals with who knows what foreign substances.”
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