Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeilani Munter Stays Vegetarian–Even In North Carolina

Photo: Phil Cavali

Photo: Phil Cavali

Think being vegetarian is only easy if you live in NYC or Cali?


Leilani Munter proves that wrong, as she and her husband reside in North Carolina and have no problem finding good grub.

From TheGoodLifer:

Now, you are a devoted vegetarian living in Cornelius, North Carolina. How do you make that work? I imagine many post-race dinners and such are held in some not so veg-friendly establishments?

“We cook a lot at home but I have actually found that pretty much any restaurant you go to these days has something vegetarian on their menu. In the rare event where there is not a vegetarian meal on the menu, if you ask the chef, they will usually whip up something amazing. I think the chef’s enjoy it too because they get to be creative.”

You didn’t think a self professed “vegetarian  hippie chick” would let a little geography get her down, did you?

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