Quantcast Vegetarian StarKanye West Amber Rose Louis Vuitton Fashion Show–Fur Freaky

Kanye West Amber Rose Louis Vuitton Fashion Show–Fur Freaky

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 25th, 2010 in Fur.

Kanye West And Amber Rose Attend The Louis Vuitton Fashion Show

Normally, this would be saved as a Fur Real or Fur Fake, but with Kanye West ‘s history of fur lovin’, what’s the point of even asking.

He and girlfriend Amber Rose attended the Louis Vuitton Fashion Show dressed to kill–even though something already looked dead.

When he and Amber attended another fashion show by the vegetarian Stella McCartney, Kanye kept asking where the fur fashions were.


Vegetarian singer Pink responded by saying, “There are so many people who I think are a waste of skin and he’s up there. I should wear him. Go on, donate yourself Kanye. People can wear your fur.”

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One Response to “Kanye West Amber Rose Louis Vuitton Fashion Show–Fur Freaky”

  1. judi Says:

    Those boots with that coat is crime enough. I hope the fur isn’t real.