Quantcast Vegetarian StarJames Cameron “Avatar” Wins PETA Proggy Award

James Cameron “Avatar” Wins PETA Proggy Award

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 20th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Film & TV.



Avatar picked up a Golden Globe this past week, but it also won the favor of People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals.

PETA has awarded James Cameron a Proggy (short for progress) Award for the movie’s message about, “the importance of treating all living beings, no matter how ‘strange’ or ‘alien,’ with respect and dignity.”

“We hope viewers will come away from ‘Avatar’ with a new way of looking at the world around them and the way we treat our fellow earthlings,” PETA Senior Vice President Lisa Lange says in a statement. “For helping animals with the positive message of this film, James Cameron is PETA’s ‘King of the World.'”

Source: Ok! Magazine

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