Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Obama Garden Inspires African Americans

Michelle Obama Garden Inspires African Americans

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 12th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Gardening, Politicians.

Michelle Obama and local students harvest the White House kitchen garden in Washington

Could Michelle Obama‘s desire to return to healthy eating and eat local inspire African Americans to do the same?

According to Dr. Shemuel Israel, President of the North Lawndale Greening Committee on Chicago’s West Side, the answer is yes.

Dr. Israel thinks the First Family’s garden is partially responsible for the increased interest and hopes the trend continues.

“We do a lot, but there’s more work to be done to teach people to grow their own food,” he said, according to Chicago Now.

With Mrs. Obama’s influence and African Americans like John Salley and Forest Whitaker encouraging African Americans to improve their diets by eating vegetarian, Dr. Israel might see the fruits of his labor sooner than later.

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