Quantcast Vegetarian StarBabyCakes LA Open!

BabyCakes LA Open!

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 6th, 2010 in Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants.


West coast vegans are jumping with joy now that one of the most popular and celebrity sought after bakeries has opened in Los Angeles.

BabyCakes LA opened its doors in California this past weekend.

BabyCakes LA is located in downtown Los Angeles at 130 East 6th Street (between S. Main Street and S. Los Angeles Street).

Offering vegan cookies, brownies, cupcakes, loaves and more, the bakery was founded in New York by Erin McKenna after she spent hours in her own kitchen formulating recipes for desserts her body could tolerate, given her numerous food sensitivities.

BabyCakes items are vegan, mostly organic and gluten-free.

Hmm…New York during the summer, sunny Cal during the winter.

It’s time to purchase an east coast/west coast time share.

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