Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell, Nancy Grace, Jack Hanna And Drug Pigs

Jane Velez-Mitchell, Nancy Grace, Jack Hanna And Drug Pigs

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 2nd, 2010 in Animal Issues, Journalists.

20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards - New York City

Jane Velez-Mitchell has used her position as a well known journalist on HLN to spotlight animal issues on several occasions.

Recently Jane and Nancy Grace had the opportunity to interview Jack Hanna, host of Jack Hanna Into The Wild–along with some of his animal friends.

After recounting a story about a dog who helped solve a crime by urinating on a tire, Jane discussed the pigs she met at a farm animal rescue center.

Some highlights from the transcript:

GRACE: You`ve had encounters with pigs? Is there anything you need to share with us?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, actually, because I`m an animal activist and I go to rescue organizations…

GRACE: Oh, there she goes! I was wondering how long it would take! Go ahead, Miss PETA!


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I go to a group, like Animal Acres here in Los Angeles, where they rescue farm animals that have been abused and they allow them to live the way animals should live. Pigs are incredibly intelligent animals, as intelligent as dogs. They have an incredible sense of smell. As you`ve just been seeing there, they are sentient creatures with feelings. They are being used by some in some test cases to sniff out drugs and as…

GRACE: Oh, drug pigs!

Are narcotic pigs the future of the police department in your hometown?

Learn what vegetarian animal Hanna introduced later on the show from the full transcript.

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