Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeona Lewis Loves Her Vegetarian Christmas Dinner

Leona Lewis Loves Her Vegetarian Christmas Dinner

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 21st, 2009 in Female Singers, Food & Drink.

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Celebrities have to deal with food issues around the holidays just like any regular person, but Leona Lewis recalls her Christmas memories were fond because her family always made accommodations for her.

“We’d all sit around eating far too much and playing games. It would always be a traditional meal, a roast, but I’d have the vegetarian option. I love my Christmas dinner,” Leona said, according to mindfood.com.

Leona added that she’ll either be spending Christmas with her family in Wales or inviting them for dinner at her pad in London.

Do you think Leona will be make meat for the family or order everyone to eat seitan at the table?

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