Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Dirt Candy” Amanda Cohen On Bad Vegetarian Reputation

“Dirt Candy” Amanda Cohen On Bad Vegetarian Reputation

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 11th, 2009 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy

Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy

Moby‘s prodigy from Teany has been named 2009 Chef of the Year by Metromix.

Although they love Amanda Cohen, Metromix isn’t too keen on the vegetarian food she cooks at her restaurant, Dirt Candy.

Just take a look at these two questions they fired at Amanda during an interview.

Does vegetarian food get a bad rap?
It does, and people can’t look behind what vegetarian food is about and not what it’s not about. The reality is that most people probably, at least once a week, have a meal that doesn’t have meat or chicken or fish in it. They just don’t call that meal “my vegetarian meal of the week.”

And then they just get real honest about it.

Well, we gotta say it: Most vegetarian food is pretty terrible.
That’s a hard thing for me to agree to [laughs]. But I think vegetarian food has a built-in audience, and [people] don’t necessarily have to try to go outside of that audience. So whether or not that makes the food good or bad, it has its audience. …There’s very few restaurants in this city where they’re expected to state their politics before you even walk in the door. But that onus is put on vegetarian restaurants, and I think it creates a world where it’s hard for vegetarian restaurants to necessarily make exciting and different food.

New Yorkers, what do you think?

Does Dirt Candy change the reputation of vegetarian food, for Metromix and everyone else?

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