Paul McCartney Narrates PETA Slaughterhouse Video
Written by Vegetarian Star on December 8th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Environment-Eco-Green, Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers, Videos.
Paul McCartney has narrated a video for PETA which documents the conditions factory farmed animals endure.
And unlike most PETA ads, he does all this while keeping his clothes on.
“I’ve often said that if slaughterhouses had glass walls, we’d all be vegetarians. Animals raised on modern factory farms and killed in slaughterhouses endure almost unimaginable suffering,” McCartney says.
“I hope that once you see the routine cruelty involved in raising, transporting and killing animals for food, you’ll join the millions of people who have decided to leave meat off their plates for good.”
Paul covers animals crammed in cages on farms, pathogens found in meat products, the risk of diseases like Mad Cow and the impact meat production has on the environment.
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June 23rd, 2010 at 1:34 pm
It’s about time this wig wearing old goat was sent to the slaughter house. The only problem is that the wrinkly meat off him wouldn’t provide much nourishment and would end up in the bin. Having visited slaughter houses I can assure you that they don’t operate the way these cherry picked videos make you believe. If the wig wearing old goat visited slaughter houses in his native UK he would know as he more than likely already does, that animals are killed using humane killers.
July 29th, 2010 at 9:05 pm
mate your a f @#king retard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how the hell can anyone eat animals ever again after seeing this video? its heart wrenching and completely unnecessary for any animal to suffer this way its totally unjust! pity we couldn’t cull of a few million humans the way they do cattle!
December 29th, 2010 at 12:59 pm
It’s not about the people it’s about the rights of animals, human creatures. Every company uses different slaughter techniques and anyone that condones bad practices can’t have a heart. This video, no matter how skewed, is certainly a disturbing and horrific point of view, whether true or false. It should’ be a wake up call for all people on the planet because compassion and empathy are need to show their humanitarian side of every creatures right to life and give the hope that in their predetermined death death can be not only dignified but also justified.
February 18th, 2012 at 8:57 pm
One: I agree with Jcom.
Two: I realize that no, not every company does this. But that video up there? It’s proof that SOME do, no matter how “cherry picked” they are. While the chance of one of those places producing what’s on your dinner plat is slim, there’s still that chance. You may not even realize, but it happens all the time!!
Three: Even though animals have been, and probably will always be people’s main food source, that doesn’t mean we can’t get it another way. They hunted animals way-back-when, and while living that kind of life style is impossible in today’s modern age, that doesn’t mean humans can’t find a more humane way of doing it. Until that time rolls around, I will happily stay a vegan.
January 27th, 2014 at 1:52 pm
I agree with lee’s comment. You tell them. Animals have feelings and can feel pain!! I only watched five minutes of this video. I was crying my eyes out. I didn’t even watch all of it and it was enough to make me become a vegan!! It’s not the fact that not all factories are treating the animals. We don’t know. The fact of the matter is that it happens and is happening as we speak. “Steak eater” stop putting down Paul McCartney, at least he had the courage and voice to stand up against I humane cruelty to animals.