Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone “Jewish Journal” December 2009

Alicia Silverstone “Jewish Journal” December 2009

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 3rd, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Alicia Silverstone The Kind Diet Book Launch Party

What non vegetarian food did you find hardest to give up after taking the big veg plunge?

For Alicia Silverstone, it was Shabbat dinners that made her weak in the knees.

“I freakin’ loved gefilte fish,” Silverstone told the Jewish Journal, during a recent interview.

Here are a few other highlights from the online story:

She Never Stopped Loving Meat:
I’m not the person who ever stopped loving the taste of meat. I’m a foodie. But I knew I had to give meat up to be able to look at myself in the mirror, to know that I’m a good person and a good Jew. How could I continue seeing myself as a person who cares about the world and yet be responsible for suffering?

On Equating Animal Slaughter To The Holocaust:
I’m always hesitant to go there, because I don’t want to alienate people. We all know that the Holocaust was devastating; one of my oldest, closest family friends was a survivor. But for me, it’s the truth. The production of animals is the greatest holocaust that is happening now, because it’s allowed.

On How A Vegan Lifestyle And Spirituality Connect:
I have found my peace in living in the world as kindly as I can. Going to yoga and meditation, and eating well — that’s how I feel my connection to God.

Read more at jewishjournal.com.

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