Quantcast Vegetarian StarMorrissey Stella McCartney Shoe Line

Morrissey Stella McCartney Shoe Line

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 30th, 2009 in Fashion.

Stella McCartney Switches On Store Christmas Lights

The gossip sites must have a shoe fetish this month.

Not long ago, a rumor was going around the web that Stella McCartney and Leona Lewis were collaborating to create a vegan shoe line.

The story smelled worse than sweaty feet and proved to be false.

Now, the word is that Morrissey and Stella are collaborating to create a leather free shoe.

“I’m working with Morrissey on a line of leather-free shoes which I’m really excited about,” McCartney told Mail Online. “We are still in the early stages, but the shoes could be launched next year.”

One would think if Morrissey were involved in this project, Stella would be designing men’s shoes, which would make vegan men around the world rejoice.

But judging from the track record of previous shoe stories from the tabloids…

We’ll believe it when we see it.

In the meantime, check out some athletic, casual and formal male vegan shoes available at alternativeoutfitters.com.

via twentyfourbit.com

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