Quantcast Vegetarian StarWoody Harrelson 40 Day Detox

Woody Harrelson 40 Day Detox

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 29th, 2009 in Actors, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

Premiere of The Messenger

Woody Harrelson recently went on a 40 day detox that consisted of drinking only liquids.

“I went 22 days only having fruit juice, the rest of the time water,” Woody said.

“Also, I haven’t spoken a single word for most of the time. But it was totally worth it. Previously, I felt physically and spiritually blocked. Now I feel great.”

Skipping the heavy meal and going for a lighter snack of fruits and nuts is one thing, juicing for a day is another, but 40 days of detoxing?

Sounds faintish just thinking about it.

Original MTV Real World and VH1 Confessions of a Teen Idol star Eric Nies tried fasting to draw attention to world hunger, but did all the wrong things at first and ending up feeling dizzy and losing muscle before consulting with a friend who recommended energy drinks from fruit juice.

Guess the bottom line is, it’s always best to check with the doc before trying anything so drastic.

Have you fasted before and what were the results?

via contactmusic.com

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