Quantcast Vegetarian StarMax Records “Where The Wild Things Are” Veg School Lunch Protest

"Where The Wild Things Are" New York Premiere

Max Records, the 12 year old actor who plays the ruler of his fantasy forest world in Where The Wild Things Are is a proud vegetarian.

He’s so good at playing this role, he even led a protest to get more vegetarian food options on his school lunch menu.

BTW, he was only eight years old when this protest happened.

Makes you feel lazy for not learning how to explain the difference between Silken and Chinese tofu before you were 21.

Could Max be the next person to lobby for changes to the Child Nutrition Act this year?

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One Response to “Max Records “Where The Wild Things Are” Veg School Lunch Protest”

  1. Eve Gotch Says:

    Way to go Max! So excited to hear that another activist on our team to save the planet!