Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlanis Morissette “Health Magazine” December 2009

Environmental Media Awards 2009

You outta know that Alanis Morissette has been following a mostly vegan diet after picking up a copy of Dr. Joel Fuhrman‘s book, Eat To Live.

Alanis recently interviewed with Health Magazine where she discussed her diet habits, including the fact she loves to put a pat of vegan butter on her popcorn.

“I love snacking on popcorn with balsamic vinegar, vegan butter, and all kinds of spices.”

Thank goodness Alanis has grown to enjoy good food, which is a stark contrast from her eating disorder teen years.

“As a teen, I was both anorexic and bulimic. I was a young woman in the public eye, on the receiving end of a lot of attention, and I was trying to protect myself from men who were using their power in ways I was too young to know how to handle. Disappointment, sadness and pain hit me hard, and I tried to numb those feelings through my relationship with food. For four to six months at a time, I would barely eat. I lived on a diet of Melba toast, carrots, and black coffee,” “I began recovering at 18, when a sweet friend confronted me.”

And like Woody Harrelson, Alanis discovered a vegan diet is acne’s nightmare.

“I rarely eat dairy. I’ll never forget my friend Woody Harrelson telling me I needed to get rid of the dairy in my fridge to clear up my skin. He was right. My skin looks great now.”

You can read Alanis’ full story in the December 2009 issue of Health magazine.

via imnotobsessed.com

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