Quantcast Vegetarian StarStella McCartney Eyewear Luxotticaand Launch Veggie Style

Stella McCartney Eyewear Luxotticaand Launch Veggie Style

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 13th, 2009 in Fashion.

Glamour 'Women of the Year' Awards - 2009

Stella McCartney thinks every woman should own 2 pairs of sunglasses, “a classic pair they’ll have forever, and a more playful pair. We’ve added that fun element to the line.”

Stella has launched her collection of eyewear with Luxotticaand at Fireplace Project in East Hampton, New York.

“My mum had this mad pair with Christmas trees on them that I loved when I was little. Sunglasses are one of the only accessories that can really have a sense of humour. But you walk a fine line between looking like a complete idiot and getting it just right.”

Guest like Alasdhair Willis and father Paul McCartney, Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Watts and Live Schreiber, enjoyed vegetarian foods like corn and black bean pie, veggie burgers and cookies.

Veggies are great for the vision, as researchers have discovered yellow and green vegetables help prevent eye diseases.

Every woman should have two pairs of sunglasses–and a daily side of broccoli and squash.

via 3 news.co.nz

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