Quantcast Vegetarian StarMya “Dancing With The Stars” No Longer Dances Vegetarian

Mya heads to STK for dinner and then to Coco de Ville to perform her new single

Singer Mya lost 11 pounds after going vegetarian to slim down for Dancing With The Stars.

She’s one of the four celebrities still left on Dancing, but she’s abandoned the practices that got her so healthy and up to par for the competition.

“I am eating more protein now – I used to be a vegetarian!” she told OK! magazine.

Mya claims she’s craving carbohydrates and proteins–and that her meat-free diet was leaving her hanging.

“So I’m eating lots of chicken and beef. I splurge on carbs like mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, rice and gravy, bagels – the list goes on!”

This may make us not vote for Lady Marmalade.

You want carbs, Mya?

We’ve got your carbs!

Complex ones like whole grain pasta, oatmeal, bagels, and lentils.

And if you’re missing your chicken and beef, Chef Tal Ronnen would love to introduce you to the wonderful world of Gardein faux meats he uses so frequently in his cookbook, The Conscious Cook.

Mya may still dance like a 9, but we’re giving her diet performance a 6 today.

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One Response to “Mya “Dancing With The Stars” No Longer Dances Vegetarian”

  1. Brad Says:

    Ahh, how sad. Another ex-veg that obviously wasn’t committed. She sucks.