Quantcast Vegetarian StarShahid Kapoor Parmeet Sethi Filming–40 Days Bad Veg Food?

Shahid Kapoor Parmeet Sethi Filming–40 Days Bad Veg Food?

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 10th, 2009 in Actors, Bollywood, Food & Drink.

India FM on Wikimedia Commons

India FM on Wikimedia Commons

Like many vegetarians who travel to a country different than their home, Shahid Kapoor is a little nervous about finding decent food in Bangkok.

Shahid was scheduled to leave today for Thailand to begin filming for a Parmeet Sethi film.

Shahid recalled the last time he was in the U.S. for 40 days, his assistant had to work extra hard to make sure chefs cooked everything to his preference, as he’s a vegetarian who has some vegan streaks in him, like not eating eggs.

Does Shahid’s right hand man know about Happycow.com, where he can find dozens of vegetarian eateries in Bangkok, or anywhere else in the world?

Wishing Shahid best of luck.

Hunger sure gets in the way of good acting.

via oneindia.in

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