Quantcast Vegetarian StarStella McCartney “Harper’s Bazaar Best Dressed Woman” 2009

Stella McCartney “Harper’s Bazaar Best Dressed Woman” 2009

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 8th, 2009 in Fashion.

Time's 100 Most Influential People In The World

Stella McCartney has been named Harper’s Bazaar Best Dressed Woman of 2009.

Stella was chosen by a panel of fashion experts that included designers Roland Mouret, Christopher Kane and Christian Louboutin, and The Guardian columnist Hadley Freeman and Lucy Yeomans, editor of Harper’s Bazaar.

“Stella articulates the values of her mother Linda, and creates sexy clothes that women want to wear. She dresses for herself and her husband – I really like that,” said Mouret.

Speaking of values, Stella’s make her the best dressed on our list too, as the vegetarian fashion designer not only refuses to wear leather and fur, but keeps these materials out of her fashion collections.

Stella’s most recent creative project is a collaboration with BabyGap and GapKids, Stella’s first clothing line for children.

Fellow vegetarian Alexa Chung came in third place on Harper’s list.

Congratulations to Stella and Alexa!

We’re proud that veggie women came out on top!

via The Telegraph

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