Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Sesame Street” 40th Anniversary November 10 2009

Cookie Monster "Sesame Street"

Sesame Street

Sesame Street celebrates its 40th anniversary on November 10 2009.

That’s a lot of cookies for Cookie Monster!

Luckily in recent years, the show has taken to advocating healthier living habits, including promoting better food choices.

For example, Cookie Monster had an epiphany that he could get pleasure in other things besides overeating sugary foods. In addition, Cookie changed his song from “C is for Cookie, that’s good enough for me” to “Cookies are a sometimes food.”

No, the ring’s not as catchy, but the political theme will keep the song in history books.

First lady Michelle Obama also took a stroll down Sesame Street, planting vegetables with Elmo and telling children to eat more fruits and vegetables.

And watch out Barack, for someone could steal the heart of his woman. Michelle and Big Bird have similar interests, as they both like seeds.

We’re proud of Big Bird, Cookie Monster and the rest of the Sesame Street neighborhood association for using their influence on children positively.

Now if they would only promote human rights and take Oscar The Grouch from his garbage can and into safe, affordable housing.

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One Response to ““Sesame Street” 40th Anniversary November 10 2009”

  1. shweta Says:

    happy Birthday Sesame……………..
    we all love you………………………