Quantcast Vegetarian StarKinky Friedman “Kinky’s Celebrity Pet Files”–Phyllis Diller Cat Coat

Kinky's Celebrity Pet Files

Kinky's Celebrity Pet Files

Kinky Friedman has just released a book, Kinky’s Celebrity Pet Files, that gives the lowdown on all the four legged celebrities and their human counterparts.

Kinky writes about historical individuals like Mark Twain, Winston Churchill and Ernest Hemingway as well as celebs of today such as Brian Wilson and Willie Nelson.

One of the more humorous parts of the book include the captions under the pets indicating what the animal is thinking.

One such photograph is of Phyllis Diller dressed in a fur coat holding her cat with the caption above the cat reading, “How many cats did it take to make that jacket?”

What better way to illustrate moral schizophrenia than to have kitty tell it like it is.

Kinky Friedman is an animal advocate and founded Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch in Texas (cute photo alert on Utopia’s home page).

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