Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Neal Barnard “PCRM” Brings Sexy Back To Veggies

Dr. Neal Barnard

Dr. Neal Barnard

When Marilu Henner was asked who to Award the Veggie Guy Power label to, she answered:

“Dr. Neil Barnard for creating PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine). He’s great at getting the word out, and he looks so damn good doing it!”

PCRM is a network of doctors and other individuals who work to promote more ethical practices in medicine, research and health care.

They are for alternative methods of testing to animal research and advocate a vegetarian diet.

Dr. Barnard is the president of PCRM, has authored several books, contributed to academic journals and lay magazines and has been a proud veg since discovering the ribs in his med school cafeteria resembled the cadavers he worked on in the lab.

He’s also quite good looking.

Hmm…Maybe the PCRM could promote their mission better if their doctors did do nude veggie PSAs.

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