Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Naughty Husband Christopher Jarecki

Alicia Silverstone Naughty Husband Christopher Jarecki

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 26th, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Male Singers.

"Movies Rock" A Celebration Of Music In Film - After Party

Christopher Jarecki, rock musician and husband of Alicia Silverstone, is normally a pretty well behaved man.

But every once in awhile he gets “naughty.”

When asked if her husband was also vegan, Silverstone replied, “He’s a vegan who flirts with fish. Sometimes he gets naughty and has a little fish here or there.”

But the most important question is: How does Alicia punish Christopher for being bad?

Are you guilty of being naughty in your diet?

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One Response to “Alicia Silverstone Naughty Husband Christopher Jarecki”

  1. Alicia Silverstone is Pregnant! Says:

    […] Alicia Silverstone and her husband, Christopher Jarecki are expecting their first child together some time this year! Alicia, 34 and Chris, 40 are both followers of the vegan lifestyle (although Chris apparently likes to flirt with fish). […]