Quantcast Vegetarian StarAbbie Cornish “Bright Star” Also Vegetarian Star

Abbie Cornish “Bright Star” Also Vegetarian Star

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 26th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Vanity Fair & Apparition Present the Premiere of "Bright Star" - Arrivals

Actress Abbie Cornish stars as Francis Fanny Brawne, the love interest of famous poet John Keats in the recently released movie Bright Star.

We’re proud to say Abbie is also a veg star and has been that way since age 13.

According to the Times Online, Abbie grew up around farm animals in New South Wales and spent her time painting, swimming and taking photos.

“I never felt like I just want to be an actor, and that’s it,” she said. “I always wanted to work with animals. I want to make music, to paint, to take photos, to travel…“That’s a lot, right? Sometimes I wonder how I’m going to get it all done.”

As a beautiful and talented actress, now’s the best time ever to work with animals and encourage others to do the same, Abbie.

You’re a superwoman! Start promoting adoption or animal rescue ASAP!

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