Quantcast Vegetarian StarGabe Saporta, Amanda Cohen “Heeb” Mag Movers And Shakers

Gabe Saporta, Amanda Cohen “Heeb” Mag Movers And Shakers

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 23rd, 2009 in Chefs, Male Singers.

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Heeb magazine has announced its annual list of 100 Jewish movers and shakers in the categories of art, music, fashion, film & tv, media, books, activism, comedy, food, and entrepreneurship.

We’re thrilled to report that two movers and shakers, Gabe Saporta and Amanda Cohen, also shake up the vegetarian community.

The front man for Cobra Starship, Saporta has been nominated for PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Contest several years in a row and starred in a PSA against fur.

Says Heeb of Cohen , founder of Dirt Candy, a vegetarian restaurant in New York City:

“Amanda Cohen, once famous for her buffalo wing recipe, found her true calling in vegetarian cuisine as the chef and owner of Dirt Candy, a vegetable-themed restaurant in New York. But don’t think that all she dishes out are sprout salads and tofu; Cohen is known for delicious snacks like jalapeño hush puppies, kimchi donuts and popcorn pudding.”

View some of the other Jewish movers and shakers at heebmagazine.com.

via heebnvegan

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