Quantcast Vegetarian StarMallika Sherawat Global Grind “Baddest Bollywood Babe”

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Globalgrind.com, founded by vegan Russell Simmons, has compiled their list of “Hottest Bollywood Babes” and vegetarian Mallika Sherawat is included.

“Mallika Sherawat is by far the baddest of all of the Bollywood women. She’s also hailed at Bollywood’s twitter queen. In an exclusive interview w/ the Examiner she reveals a few makeup and diet tips & more saying “I go all organic vegetarian, lot of fruits and water! I workout daily, the usual “star” stuff:) I get plenty of sleep, I think that helps, too. And I never go outside without my parasol to lessen the sun rays to the skin. Yes, my friends make fun of me but I know it works, and what works on camera works for me:)”

Mallika even goes so far as to shun dairy, getting her calcium from almond, cashew and soy milk.

“I have been strictly vegetarian ever since I can remember,” she said. “I am against the concept of killing an animal to eat it.”

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